Monday, April 25, 2016

Immigration Reform 2016: Border Patrol Sees More Undocumented Immigrants Along US Mexico Border In March BY CLARK MINDOCK

          It was reported that there have been more illegal immigrants trying to cross into the United States. There can be one person that tries to cross the border multiple times that week and they still count him/her as different people. This can miscalculate the data because the border patrol is counting people more than once. They can make it seem that 6 people tried to cross, but in reality, it was only one. 

In the article they said that: 
      "There were 7,259 more crossings and apprehensions last month compared to February, and 4,452 of the 33,335 apprehensions were members of families crossing together, the agency reported. That rise in crossings, mostly composed of people fleeing Central America via Mexico..." 

     There was a discussion that many illegal immigrants were coming to the U.S. but they did not know if they were coming looking for help. It is interesting that people are being detained so that they are taking back to their home, but are not asked if they were running away from danger. There should be more research put into these people because they could have had been running from danger. It is better to make sure if someone is safe than worrying about their status. 

    "The deportation raids earlier this month were widely criticized by immigration and human rights activists, many of whom argued that sending back people who had fled Central America could put their lives in danger."

       There should be more research put into families because they might be looking for help.


Monday, April 18, 2016

More than 3 dozen Cuban migrants caught at sea Published April 17, 2016

        There have been more Cuban migrants that have been attempting to move to the United States. There are some that have been stopped and that taken back. There has been an argument that Cubans that touch American soil should be allowed to stay in the US. 
      It was reported in Miami that 40 Cubans were taken back to Cuba. They were caught at sea by the United States Coast Guard officials. 
      "The 39 migrants, who were first captured Monday aboard a rustic vessel in waters northwest of Havana, were returned Saturday to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, the Coast Guard reported."
    "Cubans are increasingly leaving their island amid fears they might lose a special status that gives Cubans automatic residency in the United States if they reach U.S. soil and in the wake of normalized diplomatic relations between the two countries."
       In October 1st a Coat Guard in 7th District in Miami reported that around 3,140 Cubans have attempted to migrate to Florida, the Caribbean and Atlantic. 
    People are trying to come to the United States because they are seeking for help. They should not be denied the help they deserve. If they have the right to be residents in America, they should be allowed to come here. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Arizona college imposes fee to fund scholarship for illegal immigrants By Malia Zimmerman

Arizona College wants to help out illegal immigrant students receive aid for their college tuition. Students would pay around 1 thousand more dollars plus their tuition fees. There are problems between the students because they are not happy that they have to pay more money. They don’t want to be in a bigger debt. College students these days are paying a lot of money because the tuition is very high.  Students are arguing that it is not fair that they will be paying for illegal immigrants to go to college and for some people this is not a good idea. They don’t want to be paying for people who are not legally in the United States.
“It is beyond absurd that this college is going to force all the students to subsidize the education of a student who is in the country illegally,” Vaughan said. “It’s a shame these students and faculty don’t have the same drive to help some of their fellow citizens who can’t afford college and who are forced to compete with illegal workers for job opportunities.”

It is bad that students have to pay more money for people that they don’t know, but it is sad to know that some students don’t support illegal immigrants. There are students that want to study and they are not able to get financial aid. It is hard for students to pay college tuition and it would be good for them to help out someone in need, but not everyone has the same views.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A New Yorker, Long Caught in Immigration Limbo, Comes Home to Start His Job By LIZ ROBBINS

Mr. Cabrera entered the United States illegally when he was a teenager. He received an education here in the United States like any other child. It was hard for him to get well paid jobs because of his status. He worked in helping immigrant youth receive citizenship. In order for him to pursue that career he had to naturalize himself. Since he was living illegally in the United States, he had to live in Mexico for at least 10 years to receive his citizenship. He was in Mexico for a while and he started to help youth called “The Other Dreamers”, get their citizenship. He then made a campaign in New York to help immigrant youth. People started to learn about Mr. Cabrera’s situation  and were making petitions to help come to the United States. He is now able to work in the United States, but he has to renew if not he would have to go back to Mexico.

“To have that opportunity, even if it is a very short time, to fulfill that dream of being in the United States legally, has surpassed any other experience,” Mr. Cabrera said. He is happy to be able to be in the United States legally because he is able to help many people with their immigration status.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Detained child's disease 'went untreated for weeks' at US immigration center

A five-year-old child named Briany was diagnosed with Shigella at the Berks County Residential Center. She had diarrhea for four months straight before she got help. The retention center was saying that they had checked all the children, but when the mother’s asked for evidence ICE was not willing to give any information. The daughter of the mother was willing to speed her deportation if it meant that her daughter could get any help.
“In an email response, US Customs & Immigration Enforcement (ICE) wrote: “Thank you! You may dissolve your case at any time and return to your country. Please see the medical department in reference to health-related issues.”
Instead of them saying that the child will get help and should have gotten help beforehand remind them about their deportation at the end of the email. I believe that ICE is mostly focused on deporting people and as long as they get someone to leave the country they will help them solve a quick problem.
There should be clinical help in retention centers because there are a lot of people that can get affected. There are many people in the centers and there can be many diseases going around which need to be treated.  
I believe that things like this happen because the retention centers focus more on deported those who are not legal in the United States. Cases like these should not be happening because people should be taken care of as much as a citizen. They should have the right to seek help. If there is no help the center looks bad because they aren’t doing anything to help a child. There should be more help being given.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Immigration Reform 2016: Controversial Family Detention Center In Texas To Close BY JACKIE SALO

         There is a family detention in Texas that will be closed and it  might be turned into an adult male facility. This center is where families are kept while they are being filed for a deportation. Children are also kept in these detention centers. This was announced by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
       "ICE Director Sarah Saldaña told members of Congress on Thursday about the plans to shut down the Karnes Family Residential Center during a House appropriations committee hearing, the Texas Observer reported. The center is one of two in Texas that hold immigrant families, including infants."
      They said that it might become an all male facility center and that they might let children in. This shows how they do not have good plans. They are going to take the centers away and that can be good because fewer families are being put there to be deported. It can mean that fewer people will get deported. It is better for people to be less humiliated when they aren’t classified in deportation building.
        "The news comes as the Obama administration plans to cut back on funding for such centers. In Obama's proposed budget for the 2017 fiscal year, he allocated spending for 960 beds, down from 1,800 in 2016."
    “It is really a jail.”
I believe that a detention center is a place where people get shoved into because of their immigration status. I agree with the quote saying that it is like a jail because it is a place where people go to get deported.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

NY moves to allow illegal immigrants to teach in public schools by Malia Zimmerman

                 New York would like to approve that illegal immigrants should be allowed to teach in Public Schools. They want to allow them to teach. "The regents oversee 3.2 million students in 700 school districts as well as 7,000 libraries, 900 museums and 52 professions requiring more than 850,000 licensees. The controversial decision also enables the board to award licenses to illegal aliens in at total of 54 professions, including engineers, pharmacists and dentistry." They would like for many people to have a chance at having a job. Since they have been in the United States to receive an education, they should be allowed to work. Of course, there are people that believe that this opportunity means that less U.S. citizen will be able to work and that their jobs are being taken away. If they are fit for the job, then they will be hired and if they are not then the next person takes it. There is no such thing as taking a job from someone else. Some people are better at doing a job than others. The Deferred Action gives the opportunity for illegal immigrants that came to the U.S. as children, to finish their education and work in the U.S. This is what I have and it has been helpful. I was able to qualify for scholarships and have more financial help. Some people that I know have been able to start working. It makes me happy to see that other people want to help us out. New York is doing a good thing by trying to help illegal immigrants work. 
