Wednesday, February 17, 2016

ICE Agents Lure Undocumented Immigrant Out Of A Church Using Fake Text Messages BY JACK JENKINS & ESTHER YU-HSI LEE

             Reynold Garcia, an undocumented Mexican immigrant was arrested by ICE. It was early morning in January and he was at church while he  was being tricked by ICE. He was receiving text messages from his cousin's phone number saying that he had gotten in a car accident. He was called by a policeman to confirm that the accident was real. He then had to go outside because he was going to be driven by a policeman to the car accident. As he got inside the police car he realized that it was an ICE car. He was tricked by ICE into deportation. The day before his family had also been arrested.

“The very last moment, you know, is when we realized what was happening,” Gutierrez told WBEZ. “I go, ‘No, no no… this is not police. This is ICE.’ But it was too late, because he was already inside the car.”

           I personally believe that it was not right that he was tricked into being arrested. ICE pretended to be his cousin and that is wrong. They should have respected that he was in church. There were many people that were able to witness what had happened. This led to many people living in fear. Many Latino students were afraid to go to school and people were afraid to go outside. Things like these bring fear to people. There should be more moral ways to take people instead of lying to them.

“Of course this is a callous violation of that now broken promise [to not encroach on sensitive locations]. Immigrants are used to broken promises.”

People are getting used to broken promises. Things like these and fear should not be happening in a country that is made up of immigrants.


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